Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrinal hormonal disorder that affects nearly 5%–10% of women. In this disorder ovaries do not produce sufficient quantities of hormones that is required for the follicles to mature. As a result, the follicles remain in the ovary and eventually turn into cysts. These cysts accumulate in the ovary and hence the name for the disease.
Woman with PCOS produce high number of male hormones. PCOS leads to reproductive dysfunction in which women ovulates infrequently or not at all, because the ovarian follicles become arrested in their growth. This causes disruption of the menstrual cycle.
PCOS may have profound effect on a woman’s self -esteem arising from poor body image. The condition has many symptoms, and you may not have all of them. It’s pretty common for it to take women a while — even years — to find out they have this condition.
The most common PCOS symptoms are:
- Periods are irregular
- Unwanted hair growth on face and body
- Infertility
- Weight gain
- Acne on face
- Falling hairs/ receding hairline or male –pattern baldness
- Mood Changes
- Depression, social isolation
- Dark coloration of skin at neck area
When to see a doctor
PCOS is a combination of features that include hyperandrogenism(male hormone in excess), ovarian dysfunction, including less or absent menses and pcos morphology. Combination of these four features forms 4 types of PCOS . The treatment should be directed according to the TYPE of PCOS.
Now a days PCOS is over- diagnosed, mainly on ultrasound. One should not get carried –away , BUT get yourself diagnosed and document with hormonal levels. Your treatment will depend according to the Age, symptoms and your hormonal levels.
If you find any such changes in your body, do not ignore , seek doctors advice. As it may lead to serious problems.